
 Tapping scripts are good to use when you are new to EFT and need help in what to say or any time you need help knowing what to say, are stuck and not making progress with your issue or need a fresh idea or new perspective.

Scripts work best when you personalize them so change the wording to what works best for you. Customize the script to your personal situation. Leave out phrases that do not fit or do not feel right. Make the scripts work for you.

Below are two simple scripts to introduce you to the technique and to help you begin to develop your own intuitive knowing. Refer to “Tapping Points” if needed.


Before you begin, rate your belief about the set up statement below between 0-10. In this process, you are going to go from low to high on the scale, as you want to raise the vibration.

Set up:

I understand, accept, and agree that health is a reflection of my true self (3 times)


Head: I understand, accept, and agree that I create health

Eye Brow: I allow myself to be healthy

Side Eye: I am free to be healthy

Under Eye: I feel that I am healthy

Under Nose: I understand, accept, and agree that I create health

Chin: I allow myself to be healthy

Collarbone: I am free to be healthy

Head: I am healthy

Check-in: What is the intensity of your belief now? You will want to continue with another round or two until it feels like there has been an elevation in your emotional scale.




Before you begin, rate your belief about the set up statement below between 0-10. In this process, you are going to go from low to high on the scale, as you want to raise the vibration.

Set up:

I understand, accept, and believe that I am Love (3 times)


Head: I understand, accept, and believe that I am Love

Eye Brow: I allow myself to be loving

Side Eye: I am free to be loving

Under Eye: I feel that I am loving

Under Nose: I understand, accept, and believe that I am Love

Chin: I allow myself to love

Collarbone: I am free to love

Head: I am Love

Check-in: What is the intensity of your belief now? You will want to continue with another round or two until it feels like there has been an elevation in your emotional scale.


You can download a PDF of EFT Tapping Scripts

Disclaimer: The information and coaching provided on this website is intended to educate, inform, amuse, and inspire you on your personal journey towards optimal health. It is clearly not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are under the care of any health professionals or should be, you are strongly encouraged to discuss modifications in your diet, lifestyle, exercise program, nutrition, or use of Energy Tapping (EFT) with them prior to making any changes, do not discontinue, or reduce prescription medications without consulting your doctor or pharmacist.