Meridians are energy pathways through which emotions are processed. They make up a circuitry or giant web that delivers a life force energy known as Qi (pronounced 'chee') to all of the organs and tissues of the body. This subtle energy system has been studied and treated in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for more than 5000 years. If for some reason a meridian becomes blocked the specific emotion related to that meridian is going to be blocked as well. This could result in a delayed emotional process or even a “holding” of a specific emotion. A long-term emotional blocking could result in a related physical condition, blocked metabolism, or emotional disorder.
The ancient Chinese medical community identified twelve major meridian channels and eight extra meridian channels in the human body. There are twelve main meridians running along routes in the body. The meridians correlate to each organ in the body in a relationship between the organ and the meridian. Unlike the blood circulatory or nervous systems, the meridians running throughout the body are not visible to the human eye – that is why it is called the subtle energy system.
The meridian system is used to explain how we live and why we become unhealthy or sick. When Qi is disrupted and does not flow smoothly physical distress, and ill health can occur. Each meridian is also associated with emotional and behavioral themes. These links will vary from person to person but generalizations seem to hold. The meridian system surfaces or ‘injects’ in specific areas of the skin. These are tiny points or locations called ‘acupuncture points’. Individual acupuncture points are all along the meridians. There are 365 acupuncture points and each one is associated to a particular meridian channel that connects to specific organs in the body.
EFT Meridian Connection
Energy disturbances are linked to memories of painful events. Simply put when we think our bodies feel. It is not the memory that is painful but rather the energy disturbance that becomes activated when the memory is recalled which then causes the negative painful emotion. EFT works by intentionally activating an energy disturbance by thinking of a painful memory or just feeling the feelings.
The EFT tapping points are acupuncture points located at the beginning and end of a meridian. The points are interconnected at the fingertips so tapping with the fingertips stimulates these connection points. This is how the EFT tapping techniques helps to clear energy disturbances or emotional blocks in our body’s electrical or subtle energy system. Energy psychology has introduced “verbal treatments” or affirmations to target emotional issues associated with the meridians connected to psychological problems.
EFT is referred to as ‘acupuncture without the needles’. Our body is a highly intelligent system that responds extremely well to simple techniques such as EFT and our positive intentions for physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being.
Below are two charts that show the connection between meridians and emotions. The first chart shows the correlation between the meridian points and the emotions when they are balanced and when they are blocked. The second chart shows the correlation between the EFT tapping points the meridians.
You can download a PDF of Meridians and Emotions and EFT Tapping Points and Meridians
Meridian |
Emotions Balanced |
Emotions Blocked |
Central |
successself-respect |
overwhelmedshamefailure |
Governing |
supportedtrusting |
unsupporteddistrustful competitive |
Small Intestine |
joyappreciatedequality |
sorrowunappreciatedinferior |
Triple Warmer |
lightnessharmonyhope |
heavinessloss of faithhopelessness |
Heart |
loveforgiveness self-worth |
angerhateinsecurejealous |
Circulation-Sex |
relaxationIntimacysatisfaction |
stubbornblameregretful |
Spleen |
faith in the futureconfident |
anxiousmentallyrigidrejected |
Stomach |
contenttranquil empathetic |
worriedapprehensivecritical |
Lung |
tolerantenthusiastichumble |
intolerantdepressedprejudiced |
Large Intestine |
worthywilling to let go |
unworthyunmercifulretaining the old |
Bladder |
peaceself-direction self-control |
restlessnessneeding approval impatient |
Kidney |
securityloyaltycreative security |
insecuritydisloyaltyprocrastination |
Gall Bladder |
decisivelovedfree to choose |
indecisiveabandonedresentment |
Liver |
happycontentfree to change |
angerdefensivestuckness |
Meridian |
Emotions Balanced |
Karate Chop |
Small intestineHeart |
Top of Head |
Governing |
Eyebrow |
Bladder |
Side of Eye |
Triple WarmthGall BladderSmall Intestine |
Under the Eye |
Stomach |
Under Nose |
GoverningLarge Intestine |
Chin |
Central or ConceptionStomach |
Collarbone |
Kidney |
Under Arm |
Spleen |
Download a PDF of Meridians and Emotions and EFT Tapping Points and Meridians