How do I perform muscle-testing techniques on myself?

Below are descriptions of common ways to do muscle testing functions on yourself. There are variations to the tests below as well as what fingers to use. Keep in mind that you want your body-mind-spirit to give you the answer to what you seek not your ego by directing the movement. If you allow your emotions to influence the movement, you may get a false reading. Ask clear questions that necessitate a yes or no or a true or false response. Allow your body to respond to the question.

For simplicity I have described the test procedures with specific directions however use your own sense of what technique is right for you such as using different fingers if you like. Always test for yes or no responses before you ask your question to be certain how you body responds to the question.

In preparation for testing, make sure that you are hydrated by drinking a glass of water otherwise; muscle testing may not give clear results if you are dehydrated. Before you begin, get into a relaxed, comfortable position. Keep legs and feet uncrossed. Take a deep breath clearing your mind and centering yourself in your body.

Finger Test:

finger testWith your non-dominant hand, form a ring with your thumb and finger preferable not your index finger as this has more strength and could influence the test. With your other hand, take a finger and place it through the ring you formed with your other hand. Strike the outstretched finger toward the joint made where the thumb and finger meet. A positive or yes response will hold strong and a negative or no response will be weak breaking through the ring.


variationWith your non-dominant hand, form a ring with your thumb and one of your fingers. With your other hand, create a hook with your index finger. Hook the index finger on your other hand through the ring and attempt to pull through it. A positive or yes response will hold strong and a negative or no response will be weak breaking through the ring.

Stretch Test:

stretch testForm a ring with your thumb and index finger with your non- dominant hand. Insert your other thumb and index finger inside the ring of the non-dominant hand. With equal pressure attempt to keep the ring together while attempting to spread the ring apart with you thumb and index finger of the other hand. A positive or yes response will hold strong and a negative or no response will be weak breaking the ring.

Sway Test:

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart flat-footed. Face north, in a balanced, neutral position. Stand tall with no bend in your knees and your head and shoulders held back but comfortable. A positive or yes response you will feel yourself tilting forward. A negative or no response you will feel your body tilting backward. Check for the polarity of the titling before asking the question as sometimes people will have a reversed response.

What should I do if my muscle testing is not clear?

While it is generally accurate, some factors can influence muscle testing. The most important factors include:

  • Hydration - dehydrated people do not muscle test properly
  • Demineralization - if you do not have enough minerals in your system you can not muscle test properly
  • Stress - powerful emotional triggers can make muscle testing more difficult
  • Ego – being in your head instead of your body

Getting to know your energy field

There is no better way for you to get to know your energy field than a reliable energy self-test. This can be accomplished through the simple muscle testing techniques provide here. If you want to find out what your energy field responds best to, what compromises your energy and functioning, and what subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and memories sabotage your ability to grow and change, energy self-testing is a simple key.

Get to know yourself intuitively. Use muscle testing on everything. Use it often.

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