The following script should be read by someone or into a recording device using slow even speech that is almost monotone in nature. Background music will enhance the experience.

Take a few minutes to relax your body and mind. Start by finding a comfortable position. If you have pre-recorded this guide then you may close you eyes if you wish.

relaxationWe will begin with a few slow, deep breaths. Each time you breathe in; breathe all the way down into your stomach. Breathe in slowly through your nose, and feel your abdomen and lungs expand with air. After drawing in a long deep breath, allow your breath to flow back out through your mouth. Just let go of each breath, and with it, release any tension or stress you might have been holding onto. You might like to mentally repeat the word “relax” as you breathe out.

Try this now; slowly draw in a deep breath. Do not rush to breathe in. Just gradually fill your lungs and abdomen with air, and when they are full, release that breath completely. You are beginning to feel yourself relaxing. Your breath will dissolve tension just as easily as warm water melts ice.

Breathe in once again. Feel your body fill with air...and when you are ready, release the breath, let it flood out naturally. Breathe all the way out until your lungs are empty. Draw in a third and final breath, nice and deep. Feel yourself relaxing as you gradually release the breath.

Now let your breathing return to a normal rhythm as we begin to scan over your entire body, looking for areas of tension to release. As I mention each body part, I invite relaxationyou to bring your awareness to it and relax it as deeply as you can. You do not need to concentrate intensely on this task, just feel, or imagine a sensation of relaxation and relief moving through each part of your body.

It is quite common for people to store a lot of tension in their jaw muscles, so let us begin there. Pay attention to your jaw for a moment. There are a number of very strong muscles in that area. Just mentally connect with this part of your body, and relax it. Allow your jaw muscles to loosen and let go.

Now let your attention wander to the muscles in your face. Allow your eye muscles to release, and let your cheeks and forehead relax. Let this peaceful feeling flow slowly down your neck. Feel it sooth your throat and dissolve any tension as it slowly glides down to your shoulders.

Let your shoulders go. Give them a moment of your attention, and just mentally repeat the word “relax” as you let them soften, let go, and release all tension.

Now bring your awareness to your arms. Feel and imagine them becoming loose and limp. They are relaxed and at peace, all the way from your shoulders, through your wrists, to the tips of your fingers.

relaxationNow focus on the muscles in your back...all those muscles surrounding your spine. Just let those muscles relax and let go. Now bring your awareness to your chest and all the muscles that surround your ribcage. As you breathe in and out, send a mental note to this area of your body...relax.

As you breathe in and out, feel your stomach gently rise and fall. Let your stomach soften and relax with each breath. Feel it releasing tension as each moment passes. You can feel yourself slowly slipping into a state of deep relaxation.

Now bring your attention to your thighs. Imagine all those strong supporting muscles beginning to relax and unwind. Now bring your awareness to your knees, calves, and feet. Let them all relax. As you breathe in and out, allow them to rest. Breathe.

When you are ready, come back into the room. Take a moment to sit quietly as you reawaken. Notice that you feel calm, relaxed, and refreshed.


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Guided meditation script by ©Dr. Christopher Lloyd Clarke at

This guided meditation script is copyrighted and used by permission.